Agricultural education

Agricultural education is instruction about crop production, livestock management, soil and water conservation, and various other aspects of agriculture. Agricultural education includes instruction in food education, such as nutrition. Agricultural and food education improves the quality of life for all people by helping farmers increase production, conserve resources, and provide nutritious foods.

There are four major fields of agricultural education:

Elementary agriculture is taught in public schools and private schools, and deals with such subjects as how plants and animals grow and how soil is farmed and conserved. Vocational agricultural trains people for jobs in such areas as production, marketing, and conservation. College agriculture involves training of people to teach, conduct research, or provide information to advance the field of agriculture and food science in other ways. General education agriculture informs the public about food and agriculture.


In the United States

The chief sources of agriculture education in the United States are:

High schools

High schools in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands provide vocational agriculture training for over half a million students yearly (2007). The purpose of agricultural education is to provide students with the personal, academic, and career experiences essential for success in the fields of science, business, and technology. High school agricultural education programs consist of three components: classroom/laboratory instruction, Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE), and FFA.

Classroom curriculum and laboratory exercises provide students a foundation of knowledge in agricultural practices, preparing them for careers in food, fiber, and natural resource industries. Supervised Agricultural Experiences provide students the opportunity to experience ownership of their own agricultural enterprise or work in the industry. Examples of SAE projects would be a student raising a crop or an animal, working on a farm, or employment at an agriculture business, such as a machinery dealer. These projects offer "real world" experiences to students as well as practical application of concepts learned in the classroom. SAE's also enable students to develop skills in agriculturally related career areas. FFA is a national organization that develops students' potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Students grow as individuals and leaders through their involvement in competitions, degree programs, community service projects, and state and national leadership conventions. Members of the FFA gain self-confidence and interpersonal skills that will assist them in achieving success in their educational, career, and personal futures. The combination of the three components of agricultural education, classroom/laboratory, SAE, and FFA, develop proud, well-rounded individuals who will become future leaders of the agriculture industry.

A core component of Agricultural Education Curriculum is the student project. Projects take many forms, from horticulture to farm investing, but the most traditional learning projects involve farm animals. Students have raised an endless variety of Agricultural Education projects throughout the years. Species include the well-known ovine (sheep), bovine (cattle), equine (horses), and porcine (pork) as well as lesser considered "farm" projects such as catfish and tilapia. Of recent note has been the inclusion of virtually unknown species native to the American Southwest. The Horned Toad's gentle disposition and devilish appearance has been a hit at pet stores as students breed the small lizards for classroom terrariums and children's pets. Probably the most astounding examples involve animals mistakenly considered as cryptozoological. A small handful of agricultural students have had tremendous success in recent years rearing jackelopes. The little-understood creatures have proven to be highly profitable in the Eastern Asia markets for both the bush-meat trade and traditional medicines. Jackelope antlers are reputed to aid in such maladies as constipation, memory-loss, and arthritis. The meat has been reported to be a cross between farm-raised rabbit and veal. While the Jackelope has been rarely seen outside of the United States, the recent success of Agricultural Education breeding programs has created tremendous demand for the animal similar to past explosions of pot-bellied pigs and shar-pei dogs in the 1990's. One student has actually been able to turn his classroom project into a successful business. The first-ever commercial Jackelope farm was opened in early 2011 near Ringwood, Oklahoma. The success of such programs has provided renewed interest in Agricultural Education across the United States.


Colleges and universities

Colleges and universities award about 21,000 bachelor's degrees in agriculture each year (1988). About 6,000 other students receive a master's or doctor's degree (1988).

Land-grant universities

Land-grant universities award more than three-quarters of all agricultural degrees (1988). These state schools receive federal aid under legislation that followed the Morrill Act of 1862, which granted public lands to support agricultural or mechanical education. Land-grant universities have three chief functions:


Colleges of agriculture prepare students for careers in all aspects of the food and agricultural system. Some career choices include food science, veterinary science, farming, ranching, teaching, marketing, agricultural communication, management, and social services.

The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers, provides resources for agricultural education.


Each land-grant university has an agricultural experiment station equipped with laboratories and experimental farms. There, agricultural scientists work to develop better farming methods, solve the special problems of local farmers, and provide new technology. Research published in scholarly journals about agricultural safety is available from the NIOSH-supported National Agricultural Safety Database. The American Dairy Science Association provides research and education scholarships focused on the dairy farm and processing industries.

Scholarly journals

  1. Journal of Agricultural Education
  2. Journal of Extension
  3. Journal of Int. Ag. & Ext. Education
  4. Journal of Ag Education and Extension
  5. Journal of Leadership Education
  6. Journal of Applied Communication
  7. Journal of Career & Technical Education
  8. Career & Technical Education Research

Extension service

The Cooperative Extension System is a partnership of the federal, state, and county governments. This service distributes information gathered by the land-grant universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to farmers, families, and young people. County extension agents, located in most countries (1988), train and support about 3 million (1988) volunteer leaders. Agents and volunteers carry out extension programs through meetings, workshops, newsletters, radio, television, and visits.

Youth organizations

Youth organizations involved in agricultural education include 4-H and National FFA Organization (FFA). Members of 4-H carry out group and individual projects dealing with conservation, food and agriculture, health and safety, and other subjects. The 4-H program in the United States is part of the Cooperative Extension Service and has about 6 million members (2006). More than just a club, the FFA is an integral part of the program of agricultural education in many high schools as a result of Public Law 740 in 1950 (Currently revised as Publication 105-225 of the 105th Congress of the United States), with 500,823 FFA members (2007–2008). Local chapters participate in Career Development Events (individually and as a team), each student has a Supervised Agricultural Experience program (SAE), and participates in many conferences and conventions to develop leadership, citizenship, patriotism and excellence in agriculture. The National FFA Organization is structured from the local chapter up, including local districts, areas, regions, state associations, and the national level. The FFA Mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.


The rapid growth of agricultural education began during the late 19th century. In 1862, the United States Congress created the Department of Agriculture to gather and distribute agricultural information. The Morrill Act, which provided the land-grant schools, became law that same year. The Hatch Act of 1887 gave federal funds to establish agricultural experiment stations. The first dairy school in the U.S. was created at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1890.[1]

Government support for agricultural education has increased during the 20th century. For example, the Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created what is now the Cooperative Extension System (1988). The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 and the George-Barden Act of 1946 financed high-school instruction in farming. Woodlawn High School (Woodlawn, Virginia) was the first public high school in the United States to offer agricultural education classes under the Smith-Hughes Act. [2] The Vocational Education Act of 1963 funded training in other fields of agriculture.

Agricultural science and education expanded after 1900 in response to a need for more technical knowledge and skill. This development led to the use of modern farming methods that required fewer farmworkers. Another major result of this change was the creation of larger farms and ranches. This development increased the need for more agriculture science and education.

In other countries

The history of agricultural education predates USA activities and derives from, the development of Scottish, Italian and German colleges. The land grant approach of the USA owes much to the Scottish system in particular. Changes in higher agricultural education around the world today are highlighting implicit approaches that have hampered development and exceptional advances that have fed the world. the process has been described in one text (below) which takes a global perspective.

Agricultural education in other countries resembles that in the United States. Canada has its own 4-H program. Agriculture Canada distributes information on new farming methods and maintains experimental farms, research stations, and research institutions throughout the country. In Australia, each state has several agricultural research stations and an extension service. Great Britain has a program of youth clubs called Young Farmer's Clubs that resemble 4-H. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations works to train people throughout the world in modern farming methods. The United States gives technical assistance to farmers in developing nations through its Agency for International Development (AID).


"By 2015 there will be in operation 10,000 quality agricultural science education programs serving students through an integrated model of classroom/laboratory instruction, experiential learning, and leadership and personal skill development. Further, all students will be members of the FFA and have a supervised agricultural experience that supports classroom and laboratory instruction.' -Team Ag Ed

The Case for Growth and Quality in Agricultural Education

Of the critical issues facing the nation, few are more compelling than improving the academic performance of public schools and ensuring a stable, safe and affordable food supply. Today agricultural education is positioned to contribute substantially in these arenas through a major national initiative. Under the direction of The National Council for Agricultural Education, the “10x15 Long Range Goal for Agricultural Education” employs a comprehensive strategy engaging eight high-priority initiatives. The focus of the unprecedented effort is twofold: create new programs in communities not yet served by agricultural education and FFA, and ensure the quality and high performance of current programs providing personal, academic and career education in agriculture. While the goal of “10x15” is to grow the number of agricultural education programs from 7,200 to 10,000 by the year 2015, the clear emphasis is on quality.

Several factors make this effort timely and essential. First, the public’s expectations for higher student achievement are leading to dramatic increases in accountability, standards, rigor and relevance throughout education. Especially critical is the need to raise math and science proficiency. Second, the industry of agriculture, already concerned about meeting growing domestic and global demands for food and fiber, is eager to identify the future managers, leaders and workers who will ensure the future security and productivity of agriculture. A forecasted shortage of well-educated workers is adding urgency to the issue. Also, concerns about food safety, security and independence are registering at the highest levels of agribusiness and government. Lastly, local communities are intent on cultivating leadership and securing effective participation from their citizens. Through the intra-curricular programs of agricultural education and the FFA, a half-million students are developing skills in leadership, communication, team building and civic engagement. They will be prepared to provide for the social, economic and cultural well-being of small communities and large urban centers alike.

The work of “10x15” is concentrated in eight national taskforces operating over the next several years. Their scope of work includes national program and content standards; teacher recruitment and preparation; alternative program design; data reporting; public advocacy; brand communication strategy; and program funding. Driving the work of “10x15” are more than a hundred top leaders drawn from today’s Team Ag Ed, including teachers, students, university educators, state education leaders, the National FFA Organization, alumni, business and industry, and key stakeholders

Agricultural educators

See also


  1. ^ L.H. Schultz; D.A. Wieckert; C.C. Olson; W.T. Howard; D.P. Dickson. "A Century of Excellence in Education and Discovery" (PDF). UW–Wisconsin. Archived from the original on 2008-06-29. Retrieved 2008-08-27. "Stephen Babcock established the first 'Dairy School' in the nation in 1890." 
  2. ^ Worrell, A. (2009, January) Woodlawn School Tabbed for Historical Marker. The Carroll News. Retrieved from

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